Shaheen Air International recently returned 3 Airbus A320 aircraft after the departure of 7 Airbus A319-100s earlier. Shaheen Air has been badly hit by financial issues, therefore, the airline has returned 3 more aircraft to mitigate the growing leasing charges as its operation is almost brought to a halt by CAA.
The following aircrafts supporting Shaheen Air livery left recently:
- AP-BMC Airbus A320-232
- AP-BLN Airbus A320-232
- AP-BLK Airbus A320-232

The first of the 3, A320s aircraft to depart was Airbus A320-232 supporting registration number AP-BMC aged at 13.1 years with 174 all economy seating configuration. It departed from Jinnah International Airport (JIAP) on 5th July 2018 at 9.48 PM for Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, Jordan as a ferry flight. The flight number assigned to this flight was NL4. On 6th July 2018, AP-BMC landed at France’s Tarbes–Lourdes–Pyrénées Airport from Queen Alia International Airport Amman continuing its ferry flight. The aircraft is now stored at Tarbes and was dry leased from leasing giant Aercap.

The second of the 3, A320s aircraft to depart was Airbus A320-232 holding registration number AP-BLN aged at 10.8 years with 168 all economy seating configuration. It departed from JIAP on 6th July 2018 at 6.52 PM to Queen Alia International Airport in Amman as ferry flight having flight number NL5. On 7th July 2018, AP-BLN landed at France’s Tarbes–Lourdes–Pyrénées Airport from Queen Alia International Airport Amman continuing its ferry flight. The aircraft is now stored at Tarbes and it was dry leased from a leasing company ILFC.

The last of the 3, A320s aircraft that left Pakistan was Airbus A320-232 having registration number AP-BLK aged at 15.2 years with 168 all economy seating configuration. It departed from JIAP on 9th July 2018 at 5.29 PM to Queen Alia International Airport in Amman as ferry flight having flight number NL6. On 10th July 2018 AP-BLN landed at France’s Tarbes–Lourdes–Pyrénées Airport from Queen Alia International Airport Amman continuing its ferry flight. The aircraft is now stored at Tarbes and was dry leased from a leasing company ILFC.
In the recent chain of events, Shaheen’s fleet has shrunken immensely within no time. 10 aircraft have already left the fleet which is an alarming sign for the 2nd biggest airline in the country. Two of its Airbus a330 aircraft are stuck in Istanbul due to non-payment for C check. We hope that airlines bounce back soon with better aircraft.
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